Young Leader Training Missions - Mission 4
Responsibility for organising and running part of the section programme.

To Be Included


Using Your Training

- Planning and organising
- Delivery
- Plan and run a linking activity/event with either the section
- Plan and run a challenge award
- Plan a camp for the section (under the supervision of a leader with a Nights Away Permit)
- Help the young people in the section to explore a particular topic or develop some specific skills
- Any other ideas, subject to agreement with ESL (YL) and SL
Things to think about:
- What risks do your activities present and what controls or rules do you need to put in place?(Module A)
- Can all members of the section(s) take part? (Module F)
- How will you get everyone involved and handle different behaviour? (Module D)
- What leadership style is most appropriate for the activity/event you’re running? (Module B)
- What are you going to plan for your programme? (Module G)/li>
- How are you going to plan a programme over a longer period? (Module H)
- Is the activity age appropriate for everyone taking part? (Module C)
- How are you going to communicate with the Group – written instructions, spoken explanation or demonstration? (Module C and I)
To be discussed with either ESL (YL), SL
- What have I done?
- Why did I do it?
- What did I want to achieve?
- What did the section members get from it?
- What did I learn from it?
- What would I do differently next time?
- How do I feel about it now?